This book describes unstructured mesh generation techniques including Delaunay triangulation and the
advancing front technique. Both theoretical and implementation issues are discussed in detail. An
integrated framework that is used for both methods is described. Common features include: accurate
control over mesh size; boundary refinement procedures; and postprocessing tasks such as smoothing.
The definition and basic properties of Delaunay triangulation and tetrahedral generation are discussed.
The implementation of an algorithm for 2D and 3D triangular and tetrahedral meshes is explained.
Key features include: implementation of data structures; preprocessing tasks; programming the Delaunay
procedures; mesh refinement strategies. Methods to convert triangular meshes to quadrilateral meshes
are presented. Mesh quality and computational efficiency of the mesh generation procedures are addressed.
Finally a brief chapter discusses how mesh generation may be parallelised for distributed processing.
The book will be of interest to engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians working on mesh generation and finite element methods.
The C source code for the main procedures described in the book are available from the authors' webpage.
- "With its ten chapters and five full appendices, the book provides a clear and comprehensive coverage..."
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 5[1], p. 1, 2005 - Book Review
The Institution of Structural Engineers, Sept. 2005
2004: ISBN 1-874672-10-5 price £98