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Saxe-Coburg Publications
Computational Technology Publications
Saxe-Coburg Publications publishes books in the fields of engineering, computer science and mathematics. Our books are of the following types:
  • Research monographs: for an example please see (example)
  • Edited books: for an example please see (example)
  • Computational source books and manuals: for an example please see (example)
  • Textbooks: for an example please see (example)
  • Conference proceedings and CD-ROMS: many of our conference proceedings have been published using our Civil-Comp Press imprint. For an example please see (example)

All our books are typeset and copyedited to a high standard. They are printed and designed so that our authors are truly proud of the look and feel of their books - as well as their content! We aim to give our authors a high level of support and encouragement. In particular, we give those authors who do not speak english as a first language outstanding copy editing support. This ensures that our authors' books are written in a clear, concise and scientific style. Our support in this regard is far greater than that provided by many other scientific publishers. We are a small, dynamic and expanding company with an increasing reputation for our books and other publications.

The first step in writing or editing a book for Saxe-Coburg Publications is to prepare a proposal. Further details on how to prepare a proposal are given on this page.

We expect our authors to provide the electronic source of their manuscript and their figures and photographs to an appropriate format. More details of the preparation instructions are located on this page.