Cable-membrane structures provide interesting architectural forms for: exhibition structures; temporary
enclosures; theatres; and sports arenas. This book concentrates on the computational aspects of their
analysis and design using the dynamic relaxation method with a finite element idealisation. The book also
explains how parallel and distributed computers may be used to speed up the design. The topics considered
in the book include: mesh generation for cable-membrane structures; formulation and control of
dynamic relaxation analysis; finite element formulations for cables, membranes and geodesic strings;
formfinding; cutting pattern generation; sequential and parallel analysis and design; and decomposition
for parallel finite element analysis.
The book is intended for researchers and postgraduate students working in the field of finite element technology. The software described in this book, including both the sequential and parallel source codes will be made available via the authors' website.
Saxe-Coburg Publications, hardback: 234 pages
2007: ISBN 978-1-874672-11-1 price £95