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Saxe-Coburg Publications
Computational Technology Publications
Computational Source Book and Manual Proposal
A proposal to publish a computational source book or manual should include:
  1. Title of the Book
  2. Author and Co-Author Names: with affiliations (ie University, Department, Company, City, Country)
  3. Author and Co-Author Contact details: postal address, (this should be the address you want on your publishing contract), tel, fax, email
  4. Short CV of all authors: with a select relevant list of publications) no more than four pages per author and co-author
  5. Up to ten keywords that describe the content of the book
  6. Indicate the level of the book: undergraduate/postgraduate/research/professional
  7. A list of chapter headings (with a summary of each chapter if possible)
  8. A brief description of the aims and scope of the book (150-250 words)
  9. A estimate of the total length of the book ie published pages
  10. Indicate the main competition from other books
  11. Proposed date by which time the book will be delivered to us in the final form

The proposal should be sent to:

Judy Tait, Commissioning Editor
Saxe-Coburg Publications
Dun Eaglais
Station Brae, Kippen
Stirlingshire, FK8 3DY
United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0)1786 870166
Fax: +44(0)1786 870167
email: editor AT saxe-coburg . co . uk