- Title of the Book
- Author and Co-Author Names: with affiliations (ie University, Department, Company, City, Country)
- Author and Co-Author Contact details: postal address, (this should be the address you want on your publishing contract), tel, fax, email
- Short CV of all authors: with a select relevant list of publications) no more than four pages per author and co-author
- Up to ten keywords that describe the content of the book
- Indicate the level of the book: undergraduate/postgraduate/research/professional
- A list of chapter headings (with a summary of each chapter if possible)
- A brief description of the aims and scope of the book (150-250 words)
- A estimate of the total length of the book ie published pages
- Indicate the main competition from other books
- Proposed date by which time the book will be delivered to us in the final form
The proposal should be sent to:
Judy Tait, Commissioning Editor
Saxe-Coburg Publications
Dun Eaglais
Station Brae, Kippen
Stirlingshire, FK8 3DY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1786 870166
Fax: +44(0)1786 870167
email: editor AT saxe-coburg . co . uk